我真是懶到爆了,明明離旅程結束都已經快邁入第二年了,我的遊記還被大雪困在day 2


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"Something old, something new, something borrowed, soemthing blue, alucky sixpence in her shoe"

It's a traditional wedding saying, but I didn't know it til now.

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I read an article, was published on the current Discover issue, said that Lyme disease could a critical health issue during this year becuase of recent acorn crash. The article pointed out that acorns are the important food resource for the white-footed mouse, the main target of the ticks that carry the Lyme bacterium. The recent crash in acorns will affect the mouse population to fall down, leaving more ticks to bite us. So, people who live in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states should pay more attention on your environment and your health.

Study: D.C. region at highest risk for Lyme disease

Thursday - 2/2/2012, 1:50pm  ET

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西洋菜 (Watercress) 屬於十字花科綠葉蔬菜,由於在野外自然生長於溪流兩旁而得名,是一種水生植物;西洋菜的莖很長,葉片小而圓。早期的羅馬人及古代的波斯人都將西洋菜視為大腦及神經的補品,甚至壯陽藥;後者可能有點誇張,但是其味道苦辣的葉片所含的營養價值確實值得經常生食。生葉片的營養價值是最高的,但是西洋菜也能與其他蔬菜製成果汁或甚至煮湯,煮湯時可在水煮沸之後再放入,以避免過高的溫度破壞營養成分。

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  • Nov 12 Sat 2011 14:37
  • 整理



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"殺傷力很大的文章,要引以為戒" - 周威成


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最近被朋友邀入一個project...主題是global health awareness week-malnutrition

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He got one point again.

Although he comforted me "diminish the mind of gain and loss in this relationship", I just can't put it behind me

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